What to Expect
The art of medicine requires a thorough understanding of all the factors that may contribute to your health and well-being, so open dialogue with your practitioner is essential. At your first consultation, you will work with your practitioner to outline your past and present health goals and concerns. Your practitioner will document a thorough medical history and relevant physical exams may be performed. Recommended diagnostic and functional laboratory tests may be ordered to provide a deeper understanding of your health and to look for the causes of your ill-health. If you have had recent lab testing done, please bring a copy of the reports with you. At your first visit, we will spend a full hour with you – enough time for you to share your story and concerns with us and for us to ask the relevant questions needed to ascertain the factors maintaining and contributing to your ill-health.
Treatment Plan
Following your initial consultation, your practitioner will create an individual plan for you based on your initial consult and the results of any tests. This will be presented and explained to you in a 45 minute appointment. This allows time for any questions to be asked and for the plan to be fine-tuned if required.
Return Visits
Your practitioner will determine when you should schedule any return visits based upon diagnosis, treatment plans, health goals, and appropriate monitoring. Return visits typically last 30 minutes. Please note any observations, symptoms that have improved or worsened, and questions you would like to address since your previous visit. If you have any follow-up lab results, please bring these with you.